Kevin DeYoung hat einige hilfreiche Überlegungen zur aktuellen Rassismusdebatte angestellt. Zunächst stellt er fest, wie komplex die Fragestellungen sind, z. B.
Are black men being killed at alarming rates by police officers, many of whom have been shaped by a policing culture of brutality and dehumanization? Or is there no evidence of anti-black disparities across shootings, and the basic premise that cops disproportionately kill black Americans is false? Or might the truth be somewhere in between, that the police use non-lethal force against blacks in greater numbers, but there are no racial differences in officer-involved shootings?
Dann fordert er zur theologischen Reflexion anstatt zum Pseudo-Expertentum auf.
My point is not to discourage Christians from caring about these things, becoming experts in these things, and working for change where change is needed. I am not calling for less engagement in the political and civic issues of our day. I am calling for more theological work to be done on a number of related issues. The issues swirling around us are not just about disputing policing data, about which the Bible says nothing. The issues are also about sin and guilt and holiness and justice, topics about which the Bible speaks an authoritative word.
Er stellt vier Themenkreise zur Diskussion:
- Die Bedeutung der Ebenbildlichkeit Gottes
- Die Realität der Sünde
- Die Wichtigkeit der Heiligung
- Das Leben in der christlichen Gemeinschaft
Ich hebe zwei Bemerkungen aus dem vierten Teil heraus, nämlich die Aufforderung zu einem stillen Leben (Punkt 4).
First Thessalonians 4:8–12 is a forgotten passage in our day. But in a world that sometimes encourages violent upheaval, we need to hear Paul’s exhortation that the Thessalonians “aspire to live quietly” and “to mind [their] own affairs” (4:11). Clearly, Paul does not mean “be an island unto yourself” when he says, “mind your own affairs.” He commends the Thessalonians for their brotherly love and urges them to serve one another more and more (4:9–10). He doesn’t want us unconcerned for the needs of the body. At the same time, you get the distinct impression that working hard, providing for your family, and caring for the body of Christ is a life well-lived. Sometimes quiet faithfulness is the most revolutionary thing we can do.
Ebenso wichtig ist die Unterscheidung zwischen Online-Aktivitäten und dem realen Leben (Punkt 7):
When younger people say, “You need to do something” (whatever that something may be), they are often thinking about doing something online (making a statement, joining a hashtag, posting a symbolic gesture), and that’s one way to do something. But praying is also doing something. Educating yourself is also doing something. Raising kids in the fear and admonition of the Lord is also doing something. Giving money in secret is also doing something. Correcting and encouraging others in private is also doing something. Teaching and preaching and praying in public is also doing something. Being salt and light in the work place is also doing something. We should not think that the digital world is the only one that counts or that it is most important.