Roam-Schooling statt Home-Schooling

Ein interessanter Artikel aus dem Wall Street Journal zum Lernen “zu Hause”. In den USA haben die Homeschooler jährliche Zuwachsraten von 7 – 15 %.

The term “home schooler” once implied “isolationist religious zealot” or “off-the-grid anarchist who makes her own yogurt.” Today, it also means military parents who hate to see their kids keep changing schools; or the family with a future Olympian who ice skates five hours a day; or your cousin whose daughter is gifted but has a learning disability. The average home schooler is no longer a sideshow oddity.

Und – einmal mehr – zum altgedienten Einwand der Sozialisierung:

I shared many of the negative preconceptions before we began home schooling, but I can see now that my kid is as socially well adjusted as the dozens of other kids she hangs out with. (Her mother still needs work.)

Eigentlich ist der Ausdruck “Home-Schooling” verfehlt, “Roam-Schooling” wäre besser:

Imagine that your high-school junior spends half of every day at the brick-and-mortar school up the street. Two afternoons a week, he logs into an art-history seminar being taught by a grad student in Paris. He takes computer animation classes at the local college, sings in the church choir and dives at the community pool. He studies Web design on YouTube. He and three classmates see a tutor at the public library who preps them for AP Chemistry. He practices Spanish on Skype and takes cooking lessons at a nearby restaurant every Saturday morning.