Was geschieht, wenn schillernde Figuren, Führer von Gottes Volk, beschuldigt und angeklagt werden? Wir werden daran erinnert, dass wir uns nicht an Menschen hängen sollen – und dass auch sie begnadigte Sünder sind und bleiben.
Der Brief, der C. J. Mahaney auf seinem Blog veröffentlicht hat, bewegt mich. Wann habe ich selbst als dienender Leiter meiner Familie meine Sünde als solche bezeichnet?
Over the last few years some former pastors and leaders in Sovereign Grace have made charges against me and informed me about offenses they have with me as well as other leaders in Sovereign Grace. These charges are serious and they have been very grieving to read. These charges are not related to any immorality or financial impropriety, but this doesn’t minimize their serious nature, which include various expressions of pride, unentreatability, deceit, sinful judgment, and hypocrisy.
I believe God is kindly disciplining me through this. I believe I have by the grace of God perceived a degree of my sin, and I have been grieved by my sin and its effects on others. I have had the opportunity to confess my sin to some of those affected in various ways by my sin. And I am so very grateful for their forgiveness. But I want to perceive and confess any and all sin I have committed. Although my experience of conviction has already started—and this is an evidence of God’s mercy—I’m sure there is more for me to perceive and acknowledge. Even with the charges I disagree with it has been beneficial to examine my soul and ask for the observation of others. And I am resolved to take responsibility for my sin and every way my leadership has been deficient, and this would include making any appropriate confessions, public or private. Most importantly I want to please God during this season of examination and evaluation.