Manchen Christen wird nachgesagt, dass sie sanft und lieblich kommunzieren würden. Dass diese softe Tour oft verdeckte Menschenfurcht ist, bringt Dane Ortlund in diesem Post gut zum Ausdruck:
All we say must be done in love. That is non-negotiable. But even what that means has been hijacked in some ways by the world, softness being mistaken for love. When called for, neither Moses nor the prophets nor Jesus nor Paul nor Peter nor even the gentle-hearted John (see 1 John 2:4; 3:8, or the ‘arrogance’ of 4:6) refrained from non-subtle, non-manipulating, non-face-saving words of piercing truth, spoken in love yet doubtless perceived as harshness. And note that almost all of them were accused of arrogance, even Jesus. Were they unloving? No; it was their love itself that fueled such penetrating language.