
Über die Nachfolge von John Piper wird seit einiger Zeit transparent berichtet. Ein vorbildlich geführter Prozess wird Signalwirkung für andere Kirchgemeinden haben. Sam Cabtree legt hier den Prozess dar:

  • Phase 1: Search Team will seek to discern whether God has already given us candidate and propose this name to the full Council of Elders. When elders have reached a consensus, they will propose the candidate to the congregation.
  • Phase 2: At this time, there will be a full vetting process of the candidate by the elders & congregation (with a goal of presenting the candidate to the congregation by May 2012).
  • Phase 3: If unity between the elders & congregation on this candidate, the man will begin working alongside Pastor John immediately in preparation for the June 2014 transition.
  • Phase 4: If a clear unity is not reached, the search will be put off until the time of Pastor John’s departure from the pulpit (and an interim Pastor for Preaching would be put in place).