Ein Psychologe über seinen Weg zum christlichen Glauben, den Selbst-Kult und den Stellenwert der Psychologie im 21. Jahrhundert

Hier gibt es ein interessantes Interview mit dem New Yorker Psychologen Paul C. Vitz. Er berichtet über seinen Weg zum christlichen Glauben:

After my marriage and the arrival of our first child, I began seriously to investigate what I stood for. What kind of father would I be for my family? Who was I? At the time, I saw only four possible world views: liberal politics; eastern religion and related spirituality; self-worship and professional ambition for personal success; and traditional religion, which, for me, meant Christianity.

Der christliche Glaube war für ihn die vierte und unattraktive Variante:

After these three were eliminated, I was faced with the remaining possibility, which didn’t excite me—Christianity. I remembered having read quotes from time to time in the New York Times from Billy Graham or the Pope. And I knew the quotes were true. But I could not believe them. I was in the strange position of knowing something was true but unable to believe it. Despite the reasonable, even irrefutable, kernels of truth that I heard from Christian sources, the prospect of accepting the whole system was more than I could swallow.

Paul C. Vitz ist einer der profiliertesten Kritiker der säkularen Psychologie. Sein bekanntes Buch “Psychology as Religion: The Cult of Self-Worship” gibt es auch für Kindle.

In the 1960s and the 1970s, I was exposed to humanistic, self-actualizing psychology. I could not believe that people took it seriously. It seemed to me intellectually naïve. It emphasized narcissism and explicitly claimed, with a purported scientific rationale, that self-realization was the goal and endpoint of life. It seemed to me that the most ancient heresy, the same that was swallowed by Adam and Eve – “you shall be as gods” – had simply robed itself in scientific guise and taken a new incarnation.