Sally Lloyd-Jones, Verfasserin der The Jesus Storybook Bible, stellt Sonntagschülern zwei Fragen (siehe hier):
When I go into churches and speak to children I ask them two questions:
First, how many people here sometimes think you have to be good for God to love you?
They tentatively raise their hands. I raise my hand along with them.
And second, how many people here sometimes think that if you aren’t good, God will stop loving you?
They look around and again raise their hands.
Die Bibel ist Regel- und/oder Heldenbuch. Diese Botschaft ist eine untragbare Last für Kinder. Doch um was geht es wirklich?
When we drill a Bible story down into a moral lesson, we make it all about us. But the Bible isn’t mainly about us, and what we are supposed to be doing — it’s about God, and what he has done!