Das mittlere Haushaltseinkommen US-amerikanischer Familien stagniert. Das sind interessante Überlegungen von Robert W. Patterson.
(M)uch more than simply the family wage was lost. What was discarded was the original purpose of American social and economic policy: advancing the common good of the average family, a goal that demanded a family wage sufficient to secure middle-class status for the vast majority of U.S. households. From the 1970s onward, many aspects of employment, social, and welfare policy would no longer reflect a commitment to the average, the normal, or the regular, but instead would prop up departures or deviations from the ideal. The “preferential consideration” that TR rendered to average breadwinners and their families would now go to women, including married mothers, who would enjoy a decided advantage over men in the job market due to sex-based affirmative action, a form of rent-seeking with which business eagerly complies. Subsidized daycare stacked the deck higher against conventional families.