John Piper, A Sweet and Bitter Providence, Crossway: Wheaton, 2010.
(13) In making sex the main thing, the modern world is losing the glory and beauty and depth and power of what sexuality becomes when it runs like a deep and mighty river between the high banks of righteousness.
(23) Even through the sins of his people, God plots for their glory. It was true at the national level. And we will see that it is true at the personal, family level too.
(25) The book of Ruth is one of the most graphic stories of how God hides his smiling face behind a frowning providence.
(33) When we have decided that God is against us, we usually exaggerate our hopelessness. … I would take Naomi’s theology any day over the sentimental views of God that permeate so many churches today.
(46) Don’t ever think that the sin of your past means there is no hope for your future.
(60) If you want to know a man’s relation to God, it helps to find out how far God has saturated him down to the details of his everyday life.
(64) Proud people don’t feel amazed at being treated well. They don’t feel deep gratefulness. But humble people do.
(72) God is not an employer looking for employees. He is an Eagle looking for people who will take refuge under his wings.
(102) Our frustrations are not only caused by sin but also by (seemingly!) ill-timed righteousness.
(113) All ethnocentric and racist impulses are crucified in Christ. That too is what the story of Ruth is about.
(141) The sovereign goodness of God is revealed to us not only for our comfort, but also to free us from the fear and selfishness that quashes the radical risks of love.