Buchbesprechungen: Drei kurze Bücher voller Weisheit aus der Feder eines Seelsorgers

In den letzten Wochen habe ich drei Bücher des Seelsorgers David Powlison gelesen und rezensiert. Es ist der David, den ich schon persönlich treffen durfte: Feinfühlig, väterlich, ungeheuer ehrlich. Ich kann die drei Werke dem Leser mit Englischkenntnissen wärmstens empfehlen. Die drei Bücher sind das Kondensat seiner reichen Lebens- und Beratungserfahrung.

Beispielsweise schreibt er über seine über 5-jährige Leidenszeit nach seiner Herz-OP:

From 2000 to 2006, I inhabited a body that did not work. I had no resilience. I did not bounce back from normal fatigue. I was on a downward spiral of shattering weariness and increasing disability, unable to sustain normal social life and ministry life. I liken those years of cumulative losses to living through a slow-motion building collapse. Only family, a handful of friendships, and writing remained fruitful. I had to count the cost of every social interaction. Teaching was an ordeal—I could just make it through a semester. I love counseling, but it was too wearing—and I had to stop. … My experience over five and a half years was the genesis of the book you are reading. It took its basic shape and tone toward the end of those years—at a time when the cause of my fatigue was still mysterious, and when I had no earthly hope that my condition would ever improve. My life was withering.

Sehr eindrücklich beschreibt er seine Gewohnheit bei jedem Wetter nach draussen zu gehen:

I cannot express how often God’s creation proved sustaining, refreshing, and sanctifying. In all seasons and weathers I went outside and walked. I noticed the flight of a goldfinch, snow on the stones in the brook, a field of white dogwoods in bloom, a thunderstorm rising in the west, maple leaves like fire in the fall. I was repeatedly drawn out onto a bigger stage than my troubles. I would pray my need and my gratitude out loud while walking.

David Powlison. God's Grace in Your Suffering. (86-89)

Die drei Rezensionen (mit Bitte um eure Likes, wenn sie euch geholfen haben):

  1. Sanctification – How Does it Work?
  2. Making All Things New: Restoring Joy to the Sexually Broken
  3. God's Grace in Your Suffering.

Zudem: Ein Seelsorger über Motive sexueller Sünden und subtile Formen des Kampfes