Gestern Abend kam ich endlich dazu, die viertelstündige Rede von Os Guiness zu hören, die er in Cape Town vor 4’000 christlichen Leitern gehalten hat: “Why Truth Matters”. Er fand deutliche Worte:
Those Christians who are careless about truth are as wrong, and as foolish, and as dangerous, as the worst skeptics and scoffers of our time.
To abandon truth is to abandon faithfulness, and to commit theological adultery, and to end in spiritual suicide.
Er begründet seine Hochachtung vor der Wahrheit mit sechs Punkten:
- Only a high view of truth honors the God of truth.
- Only a high view of truth reflects how we come to know and love God.
- Only a high view of truth empowers our best human enterprises.
- Only a high view of truth can undergird our proclamation and defense of the faith.
- Only a high view of truth is sufficient for combating evil and hypocrisy.
- Only a high view of truth will help our growth and transformation in Christ.
Hier geht es zum Beitrag.