Nochmals Stephen Kaufmann: Er plädiert dafür, die Schule zu einem Ort zu machen, an dem die Schüler lernen zu trauern und zu zürnen – nicht ob den Unpässlichkeiten, die sie selber erleben, sondern ob der groben Ungerechtigkeit, die als Folge des Sündenfalls in dieser Welt herrscht.
Some people say that Christian youth today are too preoccupied with their personal world to notice anything or anyone outside of it. There is nothing to get angry about except personal discomfort or inconvenience. They say that the pursuit of self-fulfillment that dominates the larger culture characterizes Christians as well.
… The world is broken, twiested by the sin that not only infests people, but also distorts the instituions around them. There is indeed a gap between the way things are and the way things ought to be – in politics, in health care, in the environment, in education, in the family, and in the church. … the Christian School should equip students to live in justice and healing and bringt them to our fallen world. And part of that equipping is knowing when and how to lament, when and how to become angry.
Aus: Stephen Kaufmann. First the Foundation. A Primer for Christian School Education. ASCI: Budapest 2009.