Die Proteste gegen die Finanzindustrie haben eingesetzt. Bruce Wydick, Berkeley-Absolvent, meint: Die Analyse der Problematik ist vielschichtig und komplex, ebenso die Lösungen.
Like most protests, the Occupy Wall Street folks are better at identifying something that is wrong than identifying a way forward that is right. But even if the protestors don’t understand much about financial economics, they have a clear sense that something is wrong. That something, however, lies deeper than the behavior of a relative handful of Wall Street moguls. That something, I believe, is a sense of material entitlement that has crept into the American psyche. This sense of material entitlement has infected our personal choices, our politics, and our financial system. … a syncretistic form of Christianity has emerged in our country, a syncretism that mingles genuine New Testament Christianity with the consumer materialism of the American Dream.
Leider können in Demokratien Institutionen zur Stützung dieser Raffgier missbraucht werden:
Good political and economic institutions act as a check against the worst impulses of our fallen nature and foster sustainable economic growth and the common good. In contrast, the institutions Americans asked politicians to build were designed to promote the accumulation of personal material wealth. As constructed, they were incapable of regulating our collective temptation for the fast buck.