Thomas von Aquin fasziniert. Der mittelalterliche Theologe und Philosoph gehört unbestritten zu den lesenwerten Autoren mit grossem Einfluss auch auf den Protestantismus. Hier sind drei Artikel, die sich mit seiner Lehre und Wirkung aus reformatorischer Sicht auseinandersetzen.
Who Was Thomas Aquinas and Why Was He Important? (Ryan Reeves)
Within a generation of Luther’s reformation, most Protestant training centers for pastors, including Wittenberg, used at least some of Aquinas’s writings in their curriculum, even if they did not embrace all of his teachings. This is true in modern seminaries and bible colleges, too.
Aquinas: A Shaky Foundation (K. Scott Oliphint)
… the ground upon which the Thomistic structure was built was shaky, at best. Whatever was adopted and adapted from the medieval models by those in the Reformed tradition had to be removed from the sand on which they were built, cleansed of their sandy residue, and placed on a solid foundation.
This is no mean critique, and it is a dangerous and potentially destructive task to move through a philosophical-theological system and attempt to bring over whatever is conducive to the newly revised and erected foundation of Reformed prolegomena.
Aquinas: How He Might Help Evangelicals (Gerald McDermott)
For generations evangelicals have been told to steer clear of Thomas Aquinas because he supposedly was the principal progenitor of the false teaching of salvation by works that permeates Catholicism. … Thomas did not teach salvation by works. And he knew all about interior faith and having a personal relationship with Christ—-even if he did not practice them in precisely the ways modern evangelicals do.