Vor einiger Zeit habe ich über die Kontinent-übergreifend Bavinck-Renaissance geschrieben. Bruce Pass, der seine Doktorarbeit über das Zentrum von Bavincks Dogmatik verfasste (The Heart of Dogmatics: Christology and Christocentrism in Herman Bavinck, V & R, 2020), listet in der Einleitung verschiedene Phasen der Forschung über Bavinck auf:
Dogmatische Studien zu einzelnen Aspekten von Bavincks Dogmatik
- Sijtse Meijers, Objectiviteit en existentialiteit: een onderzoek naar hun verhouding in de theologie van Herman Bavinck en in door hem beïnvloede concepties (Kampen: Kok, 1979).
- John Bolt, “The Imitation of Christ Theme in the Cultural-Ethical Ideal of Herman Bavinck” PhD University of St. Michael’s College, Toronto School of Theology, (1982).
- Sydney Hielema, “Herman Bavinck’s Eschatological Understanding of Redemption” ThD thesis Wycliffe College, Toronto School of Theology, (1998).
- Ronald Gleason, “The Centrality of the Unio Mystica in the Theology Of Herman Bavinck” PhD thesis Westminster Theological Seminary, (2001).
- Dirk van Keulen, Bijbel en dogmatiek: schriftbeschouwing en schriftgebruik in het dogmatisch werk van A. Kuyper, H. Bavinck en G.C. Berkouwer (Kampen: Kok, 2003).
Frühe «Welle» von Sekundärliteratur zu Pädagogiks Pädagogik (1930er):
- J. Brederveld, Hoofdlijnen der Paeda- gogiek van Dr. Herman Bavinck, met Critische Beschouwing (Amsterdam: De Standaard, 1927)
- L. van der Zweep, De Paedagogiek van Bavinck (Kampen: Kok, 1935)
- Cornelius Jaarsma, The Educational Philosophy of Herman Bavinck (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1936)
- L. van Klinken, Bavinck’s Paedagogische Beginselen (Meppel: Boom, 1937).
Thesen aus den 1950ern, verfasst von der «Dutch Diaspora» in den USA (Michigan):
- Anthony A. Hoekema, “Herman Bavinck’s Doctrine of the Covenant,” ThD thesis Princeton Theological Seminary (1953)
- Bastian Kruithof, “The Relation of Christianity and Culture in the Teaching of Herman Bavinck,” PhD thesis University of Edinburgh (1953)
- Sarel Petrus van der Walt, Die wysbegeerte van dr. Herman Bavinck (Potchefstroom, 1953)
- Eugene Heideman, The Relationship of Revelation and Reason in E. Brunner and H. Bavinck (Assen: Van Gorcum, 1959).
Thesen nach der Publikation der englischen Ausgabe der Dogmatik (2003-2008):
- Brian Mattson, “Restored to our Destiny: Eschatology and the Image of God in Herman Bavinck’s Reformed Dogmatics,” PhD thesis University of Aberdeen (2008)
- Eglinton, “Trinity and Organism: towards a new reading of Herman Bavinck’s organic motif,” PhD thesis Uni- versity of Edinburgh (2010)
- Timothy Shaun Price, “Pedagogy as theological praxis: Martin Luther and Herman Bavinck as sources for engagement with classical education and the liberal arts tradition,” PhD thesis University of Aberdeen (2013)
- Wolter Huttinga, “Participation and Communicability: Herman Bavinck and John Milbank on the relation between God and the world,” PhD thesis Kampen Theological University (2014)
- Cory Brock, “Orthodox yet Modern: Herman Bavinck’s Appropriation of Schleiermacher,” PhD thesis University of Edinburgh (2017)
- Nathanael Sutanto, “Organic Knowing: The Theological Epistemology of Herman Bavinck,” PhD thesis University of Edinburgh (2017)
- Bruce R. Pass, “The Heart of Dogmatics: The Place and Purpose of Christology in the Theological Method of Herman Bavinck,” PhD thesis University of Edinburgh (2018)
- Jessica Joustra, “Herman Bavinck and John Howard Yoder in Dialogue on the Imitation of Christ,” PhD dissertation Fuller Seminary (2019)
- Dmytro Bintsarovskyi, “God Hidden and Revealed: A Reformed and an Eastern Ortho- dox Perspective,” PhD thesis Kampen Theological University (2019)
- Ximian Xu, “Theology as the Wetenschap of God: Herman Bavinck’s Scientific Theology for the Modern World,” PhD thesis University of Edinburgh (2020)
Unter der Aufsicht von James Eglinton (University of Edinburgh) entstehen weitere Arbeiten, z. B. zu Bavincks Konzept der Frömmigkeit.